Scripture Reading: Hebrews 1:4-14 1. His Name is Superior to their name! Verse 4 2. His nature is Superior to their nature! Verses 5, 10-12 A. Jesus is Creator! B. Jesus is Eternal! C. Jesus is Sovereign! D. Jesus is Immutable! 3. His Honor is Superior to their honor! Verse 6 4. His Kingship is Superior to their service! Verses 7-9, 13 A. Reigns eternally: Verses 7-8 B. Rules with justice: Power accompanies the dispensation if righteousness (symbolized by the scepter) C. Rejoices over his companions: due to the anointing associated with loving righteousness and hating wickedness So what about angels?
Scripture Reading: 1. God spoke in the past: Verse 1
2. God speaks now: Verse 2a
b) This period began with the earthly ministry of Jesus and will continue until the return of Christ.
3. Jesus says it ALL: Verse 2b-4
So What?
Scripture Reading: Matthew 3:13-4:11 1. Take the simple steps first! Verses 13-16
a. Repent of sins and believe in Jesus! b. Be Baptized! c. God will affirm your life of faith! 2. Know who you are in Jesus! Verse 17 a. You are son/daughter! b. You are loved! c. You are pleasing to God! (Obedient Family Relationship) 3. Know your enemy! Verse 1 a. God has a purpose in allowing your testing! b. The “devil” is an accuser by nature! 4. Your identity is the key to your victory! Verses 4, 6 a. Test #1 - God’s child depends upon God’s spiritual provision in His Word! b. Test #2 - God’s child doesn’t dare demand a miraculous experience in order to test God! c. Test #3 - God’s child declines the worship of material wealth to serve and worship God! 5. Use the Bible, it is vital to your survival! a. The devil knows it & will try to use it against you! b. You can know it well enough to survive the test! c. Memorize it! 6. Hunger, Experiences, and Money/material possessions are common areas of weakness! a. Be guarded in these areas. b. Use them as God intends and allows. 7. Service and Worship of God will build our strength. 8. Accept God’s help to get out of your trial!
But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve . . . But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,” Ecc. 3:1-2 1. Renew Now! a. Today is your only sure time! Ecc 3:1-2 b. Today there is time for your salvation! 2 Cor 6:2 c. Today you have less time than ever before! Rom 13:11 If not now, then when? 2. Renew with Reason! Joshua 24:14-15 a. Know who you know! FEAR the LORD b. Serve whom you know! SERVE Him with all faithfulness c. Remove your reasons for stumbling! Throw away what is false! If not God, then who? 3. Renew and Remember! a. You are not alone in your renewal! Joshua 24:22 b. You are accountable for your commitment! Joshua 24:27 c. You are to signify your commitment with Baptism! Mark 1:9-13 d. Commitment brings Conflict! Mark 1:12 If not this, then what/how? Conclusion
A. Matthew 2:1
1. God incarnate 2. Some wise men noticed his presence i. Proverbs 2:6 - For the Lord grants WISDOM! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. B. Matthew 2:2 1. They saw the star rising and knew that Jesus was born KING! 2. They came prepared to worship C. Matthew 3:3-8 1. The presence of God calls for a response: something that is done as a reaction to something else. i. King Herod , disturbed ii. And all of Jerusalem D. Matthew 2:9 1. God guided them by a star! i. They saw the star in verse 2 and went to Jerusalem for human advise, to no avail ii. They once again sought God and He led them by the star. E. Matthew 2:10 1. When they arrived under the star they were filled with joy i. Matthew 2:11 - On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Conclusion
AuthorJosh Pilgrim, Pastor Categories
January 2025