Scripture Reading: Hebrews 5:1-10; 7:1-28 1. Jesus performs completely what every earthly High Priest did partially. Verse 1-5
A. He is selected from among the people B. He is appointed/called by God just as Aaron was. Verses 1, 4-5 C. He is able to deal gently: verses 2-3 2. Jesus does eternally what every earthly High Priest did temporarily. Verse 5-10 A. Jesus the eternal Son! B. Jesus the eternal priest! Verse 6-10 3. Jesus ministers as Melchizedek while all others minster as Levi. Chapter 7: 1-24 A. Kingship Defined: 7:1-3 B. Priest Defined: 7:4-24 4. Jesus makes you acceptable to God! 7:25-28 A. Salvation Completed: Always intercedes B. Meets your true needs completely: C. Sacrifice Completed: Once for All D. Oath of Appointment Completed: Made perfect forever
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 4:14-16 1. Confident in the Great Position of the Priest
A. Great place: Ascended into heaven B. Great person: Jesus, who suffered and died as a sinless sacrifice for my sin C. Great parentage: Son of God 2. Confident in the Great Compassion of the Priest A. Jesus has power to be affected with the feeling of our weakness B. Jesus has the power to be tried in every temptation like you. C. Jesus has the power to remain perfect through endurance without sin. 3. Confident in the Great Profession of the Believer A. Of Jesus in whom we believe! B. Of the measure of belief we have in Jesus! 4. Confident in the Great Access to God through the Priest A. Draw near: Closer my God to thee!! B. Throne of Grace is accessible C. Grace and Mercy are needed and experiential Conclusion:
AuthorJosh Pilgrim, Pastor Categories
February 2025