Scripture Reading: Malachi 3:2-10 How much of the money that God gives to me should I give back to Him?
Give Enough! 1. The tithe is the starting place, any less is robbery! A. Enough to Test God according to His promise! Verse 10 B. Enough to pass through the fire! Verses 2-4 C. Enough to end the sin of theft and avoid the curse associated with robbery! D. Enough to accept the blessing of God! Verses 10-12 1) Provision from the storehouse of heaven for those who will give to the storehouse on earth! 2) Protection from disease and the devouring pests! 3) Perception: People will call you blessed 4) Permanent action! Be distinct in our lifestyle from the evildoers. Written in the scroll of remembrance! Verses 16, 18 5) Possession of God! You are His, your act of giving simply reveals that you belong to God and are His treasure! Verse 17 2. Generous Grace-filled Giving is the Goal! A. Enough to fulfill gracious commitment! Verse 5 B. Enough to provide for generous provision and abundant ministry! Verse 6, 8-10 C. Enough to be cheerful! Verse 7 D. Enough to be a source of blessing! Verses 11-14
Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 6:5-11; 17-19 1. The temptations of wealth! Verses 9, 17
b. It must be used appropriately c. Can be enjoyed! Verse 17
b. Foolish and harmful Desires! c. Plunge people into ruin and destruction!
b. Pierced with many griefs! c. Ignoring the needs of those around us!
2. Solution to affluenza?
b. You should be content with food and clothing!
b. Generous! Excel at giving c. Willing to share! Focus on the relational aspect of helping! The needs of others to whom you relate drive your use of money!
b. Establish a firm foundation there!
Memory Verse: We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we answer kindly. We have become the scum of the earth, the garbage of the world—right up to this moment. 1 Corinthians 4:12-13 (NIV) I am made for eternity, not just for today!
1. A New and Eternal Way of Life has already Begun! Verses 1, 6-8, 20
Summary 1. A New and Eternal Way of Life has already Begun! Verses 1, 6-8, 20 2. A New and Eternal Standard of Living will be the basis for Judgment! Verses 2-5 3. A New and Eternal Example of Success can be modeled for others! Verses 9-15 Scripture Reading: Matthew 25:14-30 1. God gives you resources. Verses 14-15
b. Financial resources: Money, possessions, time c. Spiritual resources: Spiritual gifts: Romans 12:6; Romans 12:4, Ephesians 4:11 2. God gives you resources to be used for His purposes. Verses 16-19
Scripture Reading: John 21:1-25 My heart always goes where I put my treasure!
1. Remember Jesus!
AuthorJosh Pilgrim, Pastor Categories
January 2025