Children's Church"All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children." (Isaiah 54:13) |
Thank you for allowing us the privilege of teaching your child about Jesus and His love each week at Riverview Baptist Church. We realize that your child is the most precious thing God has entrusted to you. Children's Church at Riverview is staffed by a group of trained and background-checked volunteers who want to share the love of God with each and every child. Preschool through kindergarten age children are introduced to stories from Scripture, along with activities that help reinforce the lesson. Children should be checked in before the service begins. Our Greeters will assist you in getting your children to their class or department.
We are committed to partnering with parents to make disciples of their children through the Word of God. Please help us know how we can best support you and help you do the best job possible in the spiritual raising of your children.
We are committed to partnering with parents to make disciples of their children through the Word of God. Please help us know how we can best support you and help you do the best job possible in the spiritual raising of your children.