Based upon Dr. Stanley’s Life Principle Notes
When the storms of life come, you and I can respond in anger and resist the spiritual lessons He has for us, or we can learn to respond in faith, trusting Him to provide our needs in spite of adversity. In this fallen world, we can expect to face trouble and difficulty (John 16:33). Review the MEMORY VERSE (Mat 1:21). Let’s hide the Word of God in our heart; MEDITATE, what does the verse say to you? Pray for understanding. Review, Review, Review! DISCUSS: What did I learn in the Sunday School lesson and the sermon about “A Marriage That Welcomes the Mystery of God?” What Causes storms? Some adversities we bring on ourselves. Other people can cause difficulties and Satan can bring hardships. In some cases, The Lord causes adversity; whether the storm is from Him or not, He will always use it for our good (Ro 8:28). What are some of God’s goals in the storm? 1. To reveal something about Himself (Jn 9:1-3; Jn 11:4). 2. Move His plans forward (Is 46:9-11; Jer 29:11). 3. Grow us personally (James 1:2-4; Phil 2:13). How does the Bible anchor us in times of storm? 1. It comforts us (Ps 57:1-3). 2. It reminds us of God’s promises (Mat 11:28; Josh 1:8-9). It is a compass for our lives (Pr 3:5-6). It teaches us how the Father works (1 Cor 10:1-13). Regardless of the storms that come, you can weather them with confidence, anchored to the Word of God and the solid Rock of Jesus Christ our Lord!
Riverview Family Devotion GuidesFamily devotion guides are provided to help reinforce the "Big Idea" that is studied in Sunday School and presented in the Pastor's message each week. Archives
May 2015