Memory Verse: Based upon Dr. Stanley’s Life Principle Notes
Baptism is such an important part of discipleship that Jesus included it in the Great Commission (Mt. 28:19). A person’s sins are forgiven based on faith in Christ alone, but baptism is an important symbol of death to our old life and way of living and a new beginning in Jesus Christ. Review the MEMORY VERSE (Mt 4:4). Let’s hide the Word of God in our heart; MEDITATE, what does the verse say to you? Pray for understanding. Review, Review, Review! DISCUSS: What did I learn in the Sunday School lesson and the sermon about “Basic Steps to Christian Growth?” Meditate upon (Acts 8:25-40) using 2PROAPT that you learned last week. What prompted Philip to take the road to Gaza (v. 26)? Who or what prompted Philip to join the chariot (v. 29)? How did Philip get into sharing the Gospel (v. 30-31)? Is God revealing anything to you about His nature, His will, and His ways through this passage? What did the Ethiopian want to do after Philip shared the scriptures with him (v. 36-38)? Verse 37 is not included in some of the older manuscripts, but is consistent with New Testament teaching that belief comes first, then baptism. Why do you think the Ethiopian “went on his way rejoicing?” Application: Phillip used the Jewish Scriptures to explain the Gospel to the Ethiopian.
Riverview Family Devotion GuidesFamily devotion guides are provided to help reinforce the "Big Idea" that is studied in Sunday School and presented in the Pastor's message each week. Archives
May 2015