Based upon Dr. Stanley’s Life Principle Notes The Bible has a lot to say about the heart, so we certainly want it to be healthy. We need to keep our hearts pure, loving, unselfish and kind. One way the Bible teaches us to do this is through thankfulness and praise. So let’s have a heart checkup. Review the MEMORY VERSE (Ps 107:1). Let’s hide the Word of God in our heart; MEDITATE, what does the verse say to you? Pray for understanding. Review, Review, Review! DISCUSS: What did I learn in the Sunday School lesson and the sermon about “The Recipe for Thanksgiving” and having an attitude of gratitude, especially at this time of the year? Read: (Psalms 100). Talk about some of the reasons that you have that motivate you to be thankful (see verses 3 & 5). We can be thankful that He loves us unconditionally; we cannot do anything to lose it (Jer 31:3). With such a wonderful God to be thankful for, how can we train our hearts to Praise Him? Our prayers - Phil 4:6; our Singing – Ps 100:2; our spiritual battles – 1 Cor 15:57; our giving – 2 Cor 9:12; and our daily lives – Col 2:6-7. THIS WEEK: God asks us to be grateful for our own good; when thankfulness flows from your heart it will impact your life and those around you in a positive way. A thankful heart begins with understanding what it cost The Lord Jesus to forgive your sins and a have real personal relationship with you. When you accept His death on the cross as payment for your sins and receive Him as your personal savior you become a child of God. He enables you to become everything He created you to be! Now “In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thes 5:18
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Experiencing God: You come to know God by experience as you obey Him, and He accomplishes His work through you.
Based upon the Workbook by Henry Blackaby We have studied that God is always at work around us (John 5:17, 19-20) and pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal (Romans 3:10-12). We learned that when God reveals what He is doing, it is an invitation for us to join Him in His work (Exodus 3:1-14), and we looked at how God speaks (Genesis 22:1-18), we saw how responding to God by faith leads to God-sized tasks that attracts the world to Him (Joshua 6:1-16, 20-21), and how major adjustments in our lives are necessary in order to obey God (1Kings 19:15-21 & Luke 18:18-27). This week we conclude with: we come to know God by experience when we obey Him and He accomplishes His work through us; (John 14:15,24; Mat 7:24-27, 21:28-31a). As a family, reread these verses and review the sermon notes. Review the MEMORY VERSE (John 14:15). Let’s hide the Word of God in our heart! MEDITATE: what does the verse say to you? Pray for understanding. Review verses: John 15:5, John 8:47, Heb 11:6, & Luke 14:33 Review, Review! DISCUSS: What did I learn in the Sunday School lesson and the sermon about how obedience leads to an experience with God? How are Love and Obedience related? After reviewing the Scriptures above, discuss how you feel, relate to, agree or disagree with the following statements. 1. God is love, His will is always best. 2. God is all knowing, His directions are always right. 3. God is all powerful, He can enable you to do His will. 4. If you love God, you will obey Him. Has your relationship with God has changed because of this study? Finish your time with The Lord and your family in prayer asking Him for the type of relationship that you desire with Him and your family – Then wait expecting Him to answer (Ps 5:3)! Spend some time alone with Him this week! Experiencing God: You must make major adjustments in your life to join God in what He is doing
Based upon the Workbook by Henry Blackaby We have studied that God is always at work around us (John 5:17, 19-20) and pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal (Romans 3:10-12). We learned that when God reveals what He is doing, it is an invitation for us to join Him in His work (Exodus 3:1-14), and we looked at how God speaks (Genesis 22:1-18), we saw how responding to God by faith leads to God-sized tasks that attracts the world to Him (Joshua 6:1-16, 20-21); Now we will study how major adjustments in our lives are necessary in order to obey God (1Kings 19:15-21 & Luke 18:18-27). As a family, reread these verses and review the sermon notes. Review the MEMORY VERSE (Luke 14:33). Let’s hide the Word of God in our heart! MEDITATE; what does the verse say to you? Pray for understanding. Review verses: John 15:5 , John 8:47, & Heb. 11:6 Review, Review, Review! DISCUSS: What did I learn in the Sunday School lesson and the sermon about experiencing God through a crisis of belief that requires faith and action? After having reviewed the Scriptures above, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the intimacy and quality of your walk with God? Allow time for family members to respond. What, if any, adjustments do you think God wants you to make to renew a consistent, right relationship with Him? Read Matt 7:7-8; discuss how these verses might help you make any needed adjustments that God has revealed to you. Finish your time with The Lord and your family in prayer asking Him for the type of relationship that you desire with Him and your family – Then wait expecting Him to answer (Ps 5:3)! Spend some time alone with Him this week! Experiencing God: God's invitation for you to work with Him always leads you to a crisis of belief that requires faith and action
Based upon the Workbook by Henry Blackaby We have studied that God is always at work around us (John 5:17, 19-20) and pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal (Romans 3:10-12). We learned that when God reveals what He is doing, it is an invitation for us to join Him in His work (Exodus 3:1-14), and we looked at how God speaks (Genesis 22:1-18). This week we see how responding to God by faith leads to God-sized tasks that attracts the world to Him (Joshua 6:1-16, 20-21); as a family, reread these verses and review the sermon notes. Review the MEMORY VERSE (Heb. 11:6). Let’s hide the Word of God in our heart! MEDITATE; what does the verse say to you? Pray for understanding. Review verses: John 15:5 and John 8:47. Review, Review, Review! DISCUSS: What did I learn in the Sunday School lesson and the sermon about experiencing God through a crisis of belief that requires faith and action? God does not require us to understand His will; just obey it, even if it seems unreasonable. Read Daniel 3; what was God’s will for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? What was society’s will for them? What was their crisis of faith? In what ways was the power of God demonstrated through their obedience? Who do you think received the glory? Discuss other Biblical examples such as Noah, Daniel, Esther, and the Disciples; how did their lives reflect this principle? Has God asked you to do something that seemed unreasonable or impossible that caused you to have a crisis of belief? How did your relationship with God change as a result? Let God know that you trust Him. |
Riverview Family Devotion GuidesFamily devotion guides are provided to help reinforce the "Big Idea" that is studied in Sunday School and presented in the Pastor's message each week. Archives
May 2015